K Jackson BoOKS 

Dear Diary: What My Doctor Never Told Me About Liposuction

Published:   June, 2003
Format:        Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
Pages:            204


Writing this book has been a very essential part of my recovery.  Putting my own experiences down on paper gave me a chance to not only relive the experience and face the uncertainties, but to understand my motivation for doing it.  Writing this book was an emotional lifeline for me and it’s been a wonderful outlet.

Where else could I have expressed the joy of going from a size 22 to 16 in two months?  Since no one knew I had the surgery, this book was the one place where I could shout it and rejoice.

This book was also written with others in mind.  There may be those who felt as I did.  They’ve secretly dreamed of undergoing the procedure because they were just as unhappy with certain aspects of their bodies as I was.  They’ve squirreled away some money in the hopes that one day they might also take the next step.  There are also those who have already taken that step.  

I hope my words help someone else who’s alone with their thoughts and pain as I’ve been, give them a much needed mental hug, and let them know that someone else had undergone what they are considering or are now enduring.  At those times, when I was most vulnerable, I kept telling myself that there would be people reading my words and saying to themselves, "This is normal. Kathyne went through this too, so I won’t worry."

Am I am glad I did it?  Would I do it again? 


E-Mail: Reading@kjacksonbooks.com

​Twitter:   K Jackson Books @KJisWriting

​Love feedback!  


Dear Readers:  
Welcome to K Jackson Books! 

I am a Single Mom of three kids and a cat, writer, traveler (23 states, 3 countries and counting) and love 70's and 80's music.

There was a time when I had surpassed 250 lbs., headed towards 300. Don't know how that happened (we know how). I decided to try liposuction. Loved it!

But a couple of years later I was back in my doctor's office and hearing bad news. I was on the cusp of diabetes! With kids, a cat and a mortgage, I didn't have time to be sick. I vowed then and there that I would start my journey to get healthier the right way. No more putting me last. It was time to put me first. My one mantra - Now Healthier! Not tomorrow...next week...next month...next year. NOW!  

Now Healthier! I LOST 50 POUNDS!  Yay me!

You can read about both of my journeys in the "Dear Diary" series. 

Now it's your turn. Now Healthier - Day 1.  Who's with me?

​​​Ranger And The Gang Series
The Case Of The Twelve-Hour Deadline

(A Young Adult Mystery)

Published:  August, 2017

Format:       Kindle, Hardcover, Paperback
Pages:          302

Ranger, Altese, Pug, Tracker and Bernie were ready to start their summer vacation, but a telephone call dramatically changed their plans.  Their mentor and Ranger’s father, Ralph Longbody, was brutally attacked in a telephone booth. 

Stunned, the Gang delved more into the bizarre circumstances surrounding Ralph's disappearance and uncovered a trail of clues Ralph had left behind on a case that involved to a network of international criminals that expanded the globe.

The trail led them to a warehouse, jeweler, refinery, wealthy matron, and finally culminating at a museum showing that evening.  Ranger and The Gang only had twelve hours before the showing to rescue Ralph.   

Will they find Ralph in time or are his days numbered? 

My Way To Love


​​Published:     August, 2017
Format:         Kindle, Paperback
Pages:             141

​These are poems about love, from my time as a geeky teenager to a 20-something, single parent.  I went from not knowing anything about love, to being in love, losing love, and realizing I really did not know what love was.

Then I learned about the love of a parent, love of a friend, and then loving me.  I reinventing myself to accept love again.  

All women have gone through their own personal stages of love, joy and heartbreak and that's why I've dedicated this book to all of us.  Join me in sharing the pain of yesterdays, the realities of today, and dreaming of hopes for our tomorrows.  


​​Dear Diary: What My Doctor Never Told Me About Dieting

 Published:   March, 2011
 Format:        Kindle, Hardcover
 Pages:           100

​Cusp of DIABETES! That's all I heard from my doctor.  He kept talking but I was no longer listening.  I knew I had to do something - NOW!

This is my personal memoir of my journey to lose weight and the struggles I endured along the way to a healthier body.  Like everyone else, I was on the yo-yo trail to unhealthiness and failing along the way. I would play at losing 10 pounds and then gain 15 back, complaining all the way as my body weight continued to climb over the 250-pound mark.  

I’d walk for three days and then would give up because on day four it rained.  I’d purchased a stationary bike and a stepper, and then used them as clothes racks.  I even went so far as to drive to the high school track and snack on junk food in the car while I watched other people run, wishing I didn't feel so big and unattractive in my sweat pants and XXXL T-shirt.  

But my doctor's warning was a real wake up call.  I was in trouble.  I was on the cusp of developing diabetes. That scared me so much that I finally made the conscious decision to get healthy.

It took 13 long months, but I LOST 50 POUNDS!!

My journey is not over.  But you can start yours right now!​ Join me!